Green Leaf Pest Control


Applicable for premises:

For any commercial or residential premises which is not isolated from structure i.e. which is a part of a structure & intend to carry out service only for that specified area attached to other premises.


Termite, commonly but incorrectly known as “white ants” are cellulose loving social insect living in colony comprising King, Queen, Soldiers, Workers.
Termites, mainly the workers in the colony are the major structural pest of economic importance which according to their habits can be divided in to 3 different ecological classes

Subterranean termites

Termite colonies that require contact with earth and normally dwell underneath building structure. They can be identified by mud tubes (earthen tunnels) they construct or plastering on wall.

Drywood termites

Does not require soil contact to live and build colonies inside the timber itself.

Damp wood termites

Live in timber with high moisture content.

Termite enter in the building structure unnoticed from below and through soil, perforating the foundation spreading upwards via joints, cavities, crevices in the floor and wall, lift veil, underground cabling. The first and sure sign of termite infestation is the covered runways i.e. mud tubes or galleries between their nest and source of food.
Subterranean termites are responsible for most of the damage and economic losses worldwide.
Termite’s main source of food is wood, paper, clothes, and books containing cellulose. In search of cellulose food they can also damage leather, electric wire coating, rubber and many more valuable commodities.

Recommendation :

  • Minimise damp, moist condition which mightfavour enhanced termite infestation.
  • Proper and thorough termiticidal treatmentto raw wooden furniture prior to installation
  • Avail entire area for the treatment.

Initial Treatment

  • Basic idea behind Green Leaf’s anti-termite solutions is to form a non detectable treated zone (Killing fields) within & across the soil in immediate contact with the foundation and floor structure of the building, which kills subterranean termites.
  • Drilling 12 mm hole at about 45 degree angle at the junction of wall and floor 30 cm apart in the entire area and injecting the water base emulsion of Imidacloprid 30.5% SC, 250 ml. per hole or till refusal, thereafter sealing holes with proper sealing material.
  • Injecting the water base chemical emulsion in to the cracks developed due to construction / expansion joints.
  • Entire wooden paneling, wooden window, doorframe inset will be treated with water base chemical emulsion by drilling holes of 12-mm diameter at the base.
  • Entire termite infested woodwork to be sprayed with an oil base chemical.
  • Termite mud tubes or galleries to be scratched, removed and sprayed with water base chemical emulsion
  • Termiticidal chemical Imidacloprid 30.5% SC, is approved for termite control in building & it is odourless.